Influence Dialog Patch Kotor 2
influence dialog patch kotor 2

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords dialogue file, StrRef 112397 Chris Avellone: Kotor II Questions (). Only three: I WILL KILL YOU AND MAKE A HAT FROM YOUR BONES, PUNY JEDI THE DARK SIDE HAS ALWAYS BEEN STRONGER, NOW I AM THE. Not many meatbags could make such a shot, and fewer would derive love from it. Influence Kreia can be a difficult character to read but there is one thing that will always please her: manipulation. If it goes over well, Ill probably make one for each of.

influence dialog patch kotor 2

Influence Dialog Patch Kotor 2 Cheats. Where KotoR is very faithful, to a fault, to the kind of black and white morality that Star Wars presents you need that experience and setting of the stage before hand to really make the most of the subversions and questioning that 2 introduces and explores.Because KOTOR 2 is a game which is, in many ways, driven by the story of your companions, it is highly important to unlock as much of their unique dialogue as you can, and therefore it might well be prudent for the player to actively choose to get high influence with companions which are similarly ideologically aligned to them and low influence. I don't think it would have been nearly as successful or strong an experience without having KotoR prior to it. I encountered three groups of HK-50's with HK-47 in my party (1 on Onderon, 2 on Dantooine), and 5 groups in total (1 group on G0-T0's yacht, and another group during the fight back to Tienn).KotoR 2 is just a great deconstruction of all of that. I did not get to access the HK Factory either.

Influence Dialog Patch Kotor 2 Full Remake Of

The Revan reveal does nothing for me because it mostly feels like yet another example of Bioware trying to make the player character feel like the coolest most important person in the setting. Not gonna really cry over Avallone not being a part of it.Kotor 1 is the better game, in the sense that it is complete and mostly polished, but I find the story and characters dull. With any hope the KotoR remake will do amazing and warrant a full remake of 2 as well giving them a chance to flesh it out, even if Obsidian just like BioWare isn't a part of it. As an overall package and game KotoR still is a more complete experience even if 2 has some stronger characters and main plot elements.

If you value seeing a new take on long established mythology, Kotor 2 is the game for you so long as you can bear with the jank and cut content. The "evil" party members actually have some personality, and the main plot doesn't feel like it is just regurgitating the same plot beats of the original trilogy.I get why so many people like Kotor 1, and if you really wanted to play a game that made you feel like the main character of your own Star Wars trilogy this is great. The titular Sith Lords are a little flat, but work showing the creepier cultier side of the Sith. Kreia is an interesting mentor/bad influence. In all mechanical ways it is worse then Kotor, but the characters and plot beats make the game shine.

influence dialog patch kotor 2